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Congress of CEPA - International Spiritist Association

Founded on October 13, 1946 as the Pan American Spiritist Confederation (CEPA), in 2016 the organization amended its Statute to be known as CEPA – International Spiritist Association.


Every 4 years we try to meet among spiritists from multiple latitudes to share visions, perspectives and reflections on Spiritism, from a humanist, secular, free-thinking, progressive and pluralist vision. 


The tropical and beautiful island of Puerto Rico has been selected to host the summit event of the international spiritist community identified with CEPA.

Under the theme: Art, Education, Culture and Spirit – Spiritism is present in the human experience

You can not lose this!


Since ancient times, in all peoples and times, we have tried to bring the subjective and the objective closer together; the imponderable and the near. We have tried to express ourselves beyond words. Art is an ally of spiritual evolution and it is necessary that it be encouraged in individuals, to stimulate the integral development of the Spirit.


The elaboration of one's own criteria, of free will, of shared creativity and of new parameters of happiness have occurred to the extent that human beings have sought a comprehensive, universal education in tune with their needs. Today it is urgent that the most advanced models of education not only make an effort or focus on childhood, but also include all stages of life and provide spaces for the appraisal of noble, humanistic and universal values.


Since culture is the mirror of groups and an extension of the expression of its individuals, the need for a general culture that prioritizes respect for the spiritual desires of all those who represent it is undeniable. This general culture can recognize and appreciate the differences and similarities between all cultures, providing the Spirit with a cosmopolitan vision of being and acting.


Everything is born and ends with the generating nucleus of Art, Education and Culture: the Spirit. Does Spiritism have the conditions to present proposals that are interdisciplinary in the process of development of the Spirit in its incarnated stage? Is there something like the Spiritist Culture, as proposed by Herculano Pires? Can we spiritualists maintain a constant, serene and participatory dialogue with different sectors of our respective societies in the areas of art, education, culture and even social or solidarity activism?


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